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Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
rejaud_ariculo_2020.pdf.jpg2020-05Historical biogeography identifies a possible role of Miocene wetlands in the diversification of the Amazonian rocket frogs (Aromobatidae: Allobates)Réjaud, Alexandre; Rodrigues, Miguel T.; Crawford, Andrew J.; Castroviejo Fisher, Santiago; Jaramillo, Andrés F.; Chaparro, Juan C.; Glaw, Frank; Gagliardi Urrutia, Giussepe; Moravec, Jiří; Pérez Peña, Pedro E.; Lima, Albertina P.; Werneck, Fernanda P.; De la Riva, Ignacio J.; Hrbek, Tomas; Ron, Santiago R.; Ernst, Raffael; Kok, Philippe J. R.; Driskell, Amy; Chave, Jérôme; Fouquet, Antoine
tavares_articulo_2020.pdf.jpg2020-07Widespread use of traditional techniques by local people for hunting the yellow-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulatus) across the AmazonTavares, Aline Santos; Mayor, Pedro; Loureiro, Luiz Francisco; Gilmore, Michael P.; Pérez Peña, Pedro E.; Bowler, Mark
ampudia_articulo_2020.pdf.jpg2020-08Escarabajos coprófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) en bosques sobre arena blanca de la Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo Mishana, en la Amazonía peruanaAmpudia Gatty, Christian; Estrella Grández, Rita; Pérez Peña, Pedro E.
vasquez_articulo_2020.pdf.jpg2020-05First record of the gray-legged tinamou, Crypturellus duidae, and other poor-soil specialist birds from peatlands in the Putumayo River basin, Loreto, PeruVásquez Arévalo, Francisco; Zárate Gómez, Ricardo; Socolar, Jacob B.; Díaz Alván, Juan; Pérez Peña, Pedro E.
conga_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-11Environmental predictors of filarial infection in amazonian primates: Ecological factors and primate filarial infectionConga, David F.; El Bizri, Hani R.; González Crespo, Carlos; Gómez-Puerta, Luis; Ulloa-Urizar, Gabriela; Gabriela M.; Pérez Peña, Pedro E.; Bowler, Mark; Mayor, Pedro
perez_capitulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-03Uso sostenible y comercio legal de carne silvestrePérez Peña, Pedro E.
moorhouse_articulo_2023.pdf.jpg2023-11Consumption of wildlife-origin products by local residents at the largest wildlife market of Amazonian Peru: is there scope for demand reduction?Moorhouse, Tom P.; Elwin, Angie; Pérez Peña, Pedro E.; Pérez Mejía, Diana; Solís Ruiz, Samantha; Zari Alva, Luis; D'Cruze, Neil C.
perez_articulo_2023.pdf.jpg2023-06Genetic and morphological analyses confrm the presence of Cebuella niveiventris (Platyrrhini, Callitrichidae) in BoliviaPorter, Leila M.; Torre, Stella de la; Pérez Peña, Pedro E.; Cortés Ortiz, Liliana
Perez_2023.pdf.jpg2023-10Biodiversidad en la cuenca baja del Putumayo, PerúAlva Vela, Aldo; Tapia del Aguila, Carlo Jaminton; Bardales Alvites, Claudio; Pérez Macedo, Christian; Acho Zevallos, Gary W.; Arévalo Piña, Iris; Armas SIlva, José Alonso; Mozombite Pinto, Linder F.; Ramos Rodríguez, Claudia; Angulo Pérez, Natalia; Alcántara-Vásquez, Óscar E.; Pérez Peña, Pedro E.; Saboya Del Castillo, Percy; Zárate Gómez, Ricardo; Mejía Carhuanca, Kember
Porter_articulo_2021.pdf.jpg2021-03Taxonomic diversity of Cebuella in the western Amazon: Molecular, morphological and pelage diversity of museum and free-ranging specimensPorter, Leila M.; Torre, Stella de la; Pérez Peña, Pedro E.; Cortés Ortiz, Liliana