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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 252
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furtado_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-05Anticoagulants and their effects on the hematological and biochemical parameters of yellow-spotted amazon river turtleFurtado, Yuri Ian Carvalho; Monteiro, Cristiellem Cardoso; Gonzáles Flores, Anaí; Costa, Maria de Nazaré Ferreira; Brasiliense, Alexandre Renato Pinto; Yoshioka, Eliane Tie Oba
flores_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-09The presence of peat and variation in tree species composition are under different hydrological controls in Amazonian wetland forestsFlores Llampazo, Gerardo; Honorio Coronado, Eurídice; del Águila Pasquel, Jhon; Córdova Oroche, César; Díaz Narvaez, Antenor; Reyna Huaymacari, José; Grandez Ríos, Julio; Lawson, Ian T.; Hastie, Adam; Baird, Andy J.; Baker, Timothy R.
fernandez_articulo_2022c.pdf.jpg2022-09Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza on germination and initial growth of Cinchona officinalis L. (Rubiaceae)Fernández Zárate, Franklin; Huaccha Castillo, Annick; Quiñones Huatangari, Lenin; Vaca Marquina, Segundo; Sánchez Santillán, Tito; Morales Rojas, Eli
fernandez_articulo_2022b.pdf.jpg2022-09Does substrate influence germination of Cinchona pubescens Vahl. (Rubiaceae)?Fernández Zárate, Franklin; Huaccha Castillo, Annick; Quiñones Huatangari, Lenin; Sánchez Santillán, Tito
fernandez_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-04Efecto del sustrato en la propagación sexual de Cinchona officinalis L. (Rubiaceae)Fernández Zárate, Franklin; Huaccha Castillo, Annick; Barturén Vega, Luci; Quiñones Huatangari, Lenin; Sánchez Santillán, Tito
estivals_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2023-03Exceptional genetic differentiation at a micro-geographic scale in Apistogramma agassizii (Steindachner, 1875) from the peruvian Amazon: sympatric speciation?Estivals, Guillain; Duponchelle, Fabrice; García Dávila, Carmen; Römer, Uwe; Mariac, Cédric; Renno, Jean-François
barros_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-10Cytotoxicity and lipase Inhibition of essential oils from amazon annonaceae speciesBarros, André de Lima; de Lima, Emilly J. S. P.; Faria, Jéssica V.; Acho, Leonard R. D.; Lima, Emerson S.; Bezerra, Daniel P.; Soares, Elzalina R.; de Lima, Bruna R.; Costa, Emmanoel V.; Pinheiro, Maria Lúcia B.; Bataglion, Giovana A.; da Silva, Felipe M. A.; Dávila Cardozo, Nállarett; Gonçalves, José F. C.; Koolen, Hector H. F.
conga_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-11Environmental predictors of filarial infection in amazonian primates: Ecological factors and primate filarial infectionConga, David F.; El Bizri, Hani R.; González Crespo, Carlos; Gómez-Puerta, Luis; Ulloa-Urizar, Gabriela; Gabriela M.; Pérez Peña, Pedro E.; Bowler, Mark; Mayor, Pedro
delgado_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-10Plant species used by Melipona eburnea bees in seasonally-flooded agroforestry systems in the Peruvian AmazonDelgado Vásquez, César; Fine, Paul; Atías, Gladis
cataneo_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-08Elucidating a history of invasion: population genetics of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas, Actinopterygii, Arapaimidae) in the Madeira RiverCatâneo, Dayana Tamiris Brito dos Santos; Ximenes, Aline Mourão; García Dávila, Carmen; Van Damme, Paul André; Pagotto, Rubiani de Cássia; Vitule, Jean Ricardo Simões; Hrbek, Tomas; Farias, Izeni Pires; Doria, Carolina Rodrigues da Costa
zarate_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2021-12Mapa de publicaciones científicas y análisis bibliométrico de la revista Folia Amazónica en Loreto, PerúZárate Gómez, Ricardo; Palacios Vega, Juan José; Jarama Vilcarromero, Rocio; Fachín Malaverri, Lizardo; Rondona Vásquez, Indira; Jung, Nina Inés; Ramos Rodríguez, Claudia; Mozombite Pinto, Linder F.; Mendez Torres, Elmer
castro_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-12DHA-enrichment of live and compound feeds influences the incidence of cannibalism, digestive function, and growth in the neotropical catfish Pseudoplatystoma punctifer (Castelnau, 1855) during early life stagesCastro Ruiz, Diana; Andree, Karl B.; Magris, Julian; Fernández Méndez, Christian; García Dávila, Carmen; Gisbert, Enric; Darias, María J.
Braga‐Pereira_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-03Congruence of local ecological knowledge (LEK) -based methods and line-transect surveys in estimating wildlife abundance in tropical forestsBraga- Pereira, Franciany; Morcatty, Thais Q.; El Bizri, Hani R.; Tavares, Aline S.; Mere-Roncal, Carla; González-Crespo, Carlos; Bertsch, Carolina; Ramos Rodríguez, Claudia; Bardales Alvites, Claudio; von Mühlen, Eduardo M.; Bernárdez Rodríguez, Galicia; Pozzan Paim, Fernanda; Segura Tamayo, Jhancy; Valsecchi, João; Gonçalves, Jonas; Torres Oyarce, León; Pereira Lemos, Lísley; Vieira, Marina A. R. de Mattos; Bowler, Mark; Gilmore, Michael P.; Angulo Pérez, Natalia; Alves, Rómulo Romeu da Nóbrega; Peres, Carlos A.; Pérez Peña, Pedro E.; Mayor, Pedro
Sousa_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-05Water table depth modulates productivity and biomass across Amazonian forestsSousa, Thaiane R.; Schietti, Juliana; Ribeiro, Igor O.; Emílio, Thaise; Herrera Fernández, Rafael; Steege, Hans ter; Castilho, Carolina V.; Flores Llampazo, Gerardo; del Águila Pasquel, Jhon; Dávila Cardozo, Nállarett; Phillips, Oliver L.; Costa, Flávia R. C.
Hastie_ articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-04Risks to carbon storage from land-use change revealed by peat thickness maps of PeruHastie, Adam; Honorio Coronado, Eurídice; Reyna Huaymacari, José; Mitchard, Edward T. A.; Åkesson, Christine M.
Lima_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-04Making forest data fair and opende Lima, Renato A. F.; Phillips, Oliver L.; Duque, Alvaro; Tello, J. Sebastián; Davies, Stuart J.; Oliveira, Alexandre Adalardo de; Muller, Sandra; Honorio Coronado, Eurídice
Feronato_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-04Neotropical Monogenoidea 64. Cosmetocleithrum falsunilatum sp. n. (Monogenoidea, Dactylogyridae) parasite of the gills of Megalodoras uranoscopus (Siluriformes, Doradidae) from the Solimoes river, near Iquitos, PeruFeronato, Sofia Galvao; Razzolini, Emanuel; Murrieta Morey, Germán; Boeger, Walter A.
Murrieta_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-05Occurrence of Eustrongylides sp. (Nematoda: Dioctophymatidae) in fish species collected in the peruvian Amazonia and Its implications for public healthMurrieta Morey, Germán; Tuesta Rojas, Carlos; Rengifo Marín, Gino; Chuquipiondo Guardia, Carlos
Murrieta_articulo_2022b.pdf.jpg2022-05Description of the life cycle of Dolops discoidalis (Branchiura: Argulidae), collected in Pseudoplatystoma punticfer raised in captivity in the peruvian AmazonMurrieta Morey, Germán; Tuesta Rojas, Carlos; Orejuela Espinoza, Lorena; Nobre Pereira, Jeffson
Souza_articulo_2022.pdf.jpg2022-05Sebekia sp. (Pentastomidae) en Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz, 1831) “Acarahuazú” colectados en el Mercado Belén, Iquitos, PerúSouza Alvarado, Carlos; Tuesta Rojas, Carlos; Vargas De Pina, César; Murrieta Morey, Germán
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 252